Published on: March 20, 2017
Pear Tree Elementary is pleased to hear that the Vancouver Parks Board is planning to restore a nearby historical salmon stream. Located near Pear Tree, the stream will be connected through Tatlow Park and Volunteer Park to English Bay (south side) at the bottom of MacDonald St.
2017 is the 6th year that Pear Tree has participated in the Salmonid in the Classroom project, provided by Fisheries and Oceans Canada. Each year, Pear Tree raises over 50 Coho salmon fry, releasing them into the salmon stream at Beaver Creek in Stanley Park. 2017 is the first year of doing this not only as part of our annual Spring Camps, but also for our school, Pear Tree Elementary.
This stream restoration will provide Pear Tree with an opportunity for salmon releases on its doorsteps, and which will also make getting to the release much easier for Pear Tree families.
The change may result in Pear Tree raising a different type of salmon, probably the Chum salmon.
Pear Tree would appreciate it if you would show your support for the salmon stream restoration project by completing the following Parks Board questionnaire:
In addition to the Metro News article, here is information from the Vancouver Parks board:
Previously known as First Creek, salmon stream travelled through both Tatlow Park and Volunteer Park. However, urban development in the Point Grey Road area caused the stream not only to be diverted, but also buried underground. What was once a natural watershed was replaced with pipes, affecting the water processes.
By reconnecting the stream from Tatlow Park to English Bay, this project is intended to: