by Guest Post

Why Is Integrated Curriculum Necessary in Vancouver Private Schools?

by Guest Post

A well-rounded and comprehensive education is one of the greatest tools you can give a child. It will help them in the future. Knowledge is one of the greatest powers there is.

Wisdom, however, is the inspiration to use that knowledge in the world to make it a better place.

Most public and Vancouver private schools have lost their way as they attempt to educate. They often don’t inspire and awaken each child’s full potential.

Among the many Vancouver private schools, Pear Tree School, aspires to inspire. They use an integrated curriculum, smaller class sizes, and more focused guidance. Children learn what they are capable of rather than just the facts in a textbook – in fact, Pear Tree doesn’t even use textbooks!

British Columbia has a lot of incredible teachers. Those in public schools – and even Vancouver private schools – are stifled from being their best. The framework, policies, and funding available make it impossible. Others are just burnt out and waiting for retirement or a better option.

Students can’t reach their full potential if they aren’t given an integrated curriculum.

Keep reading to learn why integrated curriculums are key to the success of Vancouver private schools like Pear Tree School. We’ll discuss how they inspire each child to be their best.

Antiquated Public School Philosophies 

Public schools, when first established, had to set some standards and curriculum policies. This way teachers knew what they were expected to teach. Parents had a good idea what their child would learn while in each grade. 

The way schools are set up hasn’t changed much over the hundreds of years. The world has changed; life has changed; even children’s needs and the way their brains are stimulated have changed to a large extent.

The Issue Today

The structure of schools, and the way we measure success and test knowledge in the public system has not changed very much. They’ve added a few classes in technology, but taken away many more. And, the class sizes are now three or four times what they were when the system was designed.

Students arrive at school and spend the day going from one subject to another. They go from one uncomfortable desk to the next from morning til it’s time to head home, where they do homework in each subject.

Most parents are being pulled in 100 directions already. Now they struggle to help with homework. For some subjects with new teaching concepts, parents don’t even understand how they’re supposed to help their child.

Everyone is stressed at home, while teachers are stressed at school. Everyone spends their energy on getting through the curriculum. It’s all about the papers and test results in each subject. Many public and Vancouver private schools are failing children through teaching in an antiquated manner.

Set for Failure, Not for Success

In this old-fashioned system, teaching is about the course material, instead of the child’s ability to actually use the knowledge taught.

Students start judging their day by which subjects they have next, waiting for the ones they like, and dreading the subjects they hate.

Each child forms an opinion of an entire discipline as a consequence of experiences in that particular class whether positive or, more likely, negative. A math teacher who was unsympathetic to a child’s challenge to understand math, or an English teacher that didn’t encourage a child’s writing talent can taint their opinion forever.

Teachers spend the year trying not to overwhelm any child in the oversized class, but have to meet the criteria in each course and provide the entire textbook for those courses.

Integrated Curriculums Inspire and Adapt

Unlike the public or even the Vancouver private schools system, Pear Tree School knows the old ways aren’t the most effective or productive. To instill a life-long thirst for knowledge and love for learning in the children you have to think like a child, i.e. to put yourself in their shoes and ask, “Why would I want to learn this?”

Integrated curriculums have several benefits over the way public schools and other Vancouver private schools deliver education with separate and distinct subjects, reading textbooks to take tests, and then move on to the next unit of material or the next subject.

When the curriculum is designed with today’s students’ needs as the top priority and lessons are applied to the world around them, it cultivates a spirit of curiosity and inspires a love for learning.

Students are able to see the practical application of the concepts they learn. They get to do instead of just read or watch. Creativity and curiosity are encouraged as students learn in the environment that is most comfortable for them at the pace they need.

Smaller class sizes enable students to get the support they need with any concepts they may struggle with and to excel in all areas of their education.

Teaching Real Life

The integrated curriculum helps students see the real-life applications of what they are learning. They can see in day to day circumstances how the things they are being taught will help them throughout life.

They are given the opportunity to problem-solve and learn critical thinking while experiencing success in the hands-on use of the concepts and lessons taught.

Students are able to celebrate their strengths and are supported through any areas of weakness without falling further behind. They can feel comfortable in their understanding of what they learn because it isn’t just words on a page, it is a project they’ve created, it’s tangible evidence that they comprehend the material presented.

Inspiration and Motivation

The more confident a student feels about their own abilities, the more they will be inspired to learn and motivated to use the talents and knowledge they have.

Integrated curriculum programs help students identify their own strengths and to progress at their own pace while being given the tools, support, and wisdom to achieve anything they face in the classroom and in life.

Teachers are able to focus on the applied use of the knowledge they’re giving to a child and the child is able to demonstrate their understanding without worrying about being ahead or behind the rest of the class.

Every child can learn at their own pace and educators have more time to recognize any difficulties they may be having or guidance they may need. Problems don’t fester and kids don’t suffer from self-esteem issues, frustration and poor grades because a teacher is too overworked to help them.

Smaller class sizes also mean children get more attention which will allow them to ask more questions, gain more inspiration and find out not only about the concept they’re learning but also about how they can successfully use that concept in their own life.

Vancouver Private Schools Need Integrated Curriculum For Kids to Succeed

Among Vancouver private schools, Pear Tree School is unique in helping children to succeed at a faster rate and to a higher level because the curriculum is designed for a child’s success and not for a political agenda.

To learn more about the benefits of integrated curriculum and everything a private school has to offer, connect with us today.

Vancouver private schools