by Guest Post

8 Reasons a High Teacher to Student Ratio Breeds Success in Learners

by Guest Post

We all hear that having a good teacher to student ratio can be helpful for a learning environment. Having small class sizes, especially in early education, is valuable.

But why is that something that we strive for? Why does the teacher to student ratio in a classroom matter? When there are college lecture halls with over one hundred students per class, how can we argue that small classes in younger developmental stages are so crucial?

We’re here to offer an explanation so you can make the best choice for your child’s education. We value our small class sizes, i.e. high teacher to student ratio, and we think you will too. Keep reading for ten benefits of a high teacher to student ratio.

teacher to student ratio

1. Teachers Have Time to Teach

With large class sizes (i.e. low teacher to student ratio), teachers often find themselves in the position of babysitter, disciplinarian, comfort source, and then a teacher. Children are difficult to control, even for experienced teachers, and with so many small people needing attention, misbehaving, or getting off-track, it often leads to less actual teaching time. 

Consider how long it takes many teachers to get a classroom of thirty children quiet and seated. How long does it take you for one child?

With high teacher to student ratio, teachers spend less time corralling children and more time teaching them. No one has to waste time.

2. Each Student Gets Attention

Another problem of having to run around and tend to every student is that the students who need the most attention don’t often get it and the ones who need the least attention are ignored entirely. While children can be very independent, it’s always a good idea to be available for them if they need it. With large class sizes, teachers just don’t have the time. 

This isn’t their fault. With classes that average around one to two hours in length and thirty students, it isn’t feasible to devote time to every student. 

With small class sizes, that time is easier to divide between students and small groups so no one is left behind. If anyone has a question or needs immediate feedback, it’s no problem. 

3. Teachers Have Time to Mark and Plan

Teachers aren’t often given adequate planning and marking time in their schedules. For large classes, this is a real problem. They find themselves using personal time to plan and mark and still coming up short.

This can lead to classes that aren’t planned as effectively, cutting into time allocation and attention problems. 

It also means that they’ll take longer to mark work. With so many students, marking takes a while. If a teacher wants to give good and helpful feedback, it takes several minutes per assignment. To get things back to students, teachers need to sacrifice feedback quality or timeliness. 

Teachers with smaller class sizes can mark more quickly, allowing students to have important feedback that they need to improve. 

4. Everyone Participates

In large classes, some students find themselves unable to participate in class activities and discussions. With so many students per class, this makes sense. 

In small classes, there’s no risk of your child being left out. Everyone gets a spot at the table, so to speak, so everyone’s voice can be heard. 

5. There’s More One-to-One Teaching Time

In large classes, teachers don’t have much time to devote to each student on a personal level. While students can elect to stay after or visit the teachers during office times, many choose not to even when they need extra help. 

With small class sizes, teachers are able to devote time to each student. If a student isn’t feeling confident in one of their subjects, they can have time to get it explained to them by the teacher rather than trying to follow along in a big class.

6. Students Become a Community 

This might seem counterintuitive, but large groups can foster more isolation. Students form cliques and some fall between the cracks. This is still a problem in small private schools, but the smaller class sizes ensure a feeling of community that larger ones can’t replicate. 

It’s easy to feel like part of a group when the group is small and everyone gets their voice heard. Children can form bonds faster and teachers can notice and quiet any interpersonal problems before they grow.

7. Course Material Moves More Quickly

With fewer students, fewer distractions, and quicker feedback, small classes breeze through the course material. This leaves more room for more material that students in larger classes might not have access to, and also leaves room for more practice time so students can perfect what they’ve learned. 

Teachers don’t feel the need to rush and they’re more capable of finishing everything necessary for the curriculum without having to scan over some things too quickly. This lets them teach at a pace that every student is able to follow.

8. Every Student Can Be Taught to Their Level

Not all students have the same capabilities. Some thrive in math and struggle with reading. Others are more inclined towards the arts and have a hard time with academics. Some students learn at a slower or quicker pace.

In large classes, teachers have to attempt to teach to every student at once. This means that they’re aiming for the average. Advanced students feel slowed down and struggling students have a hard time keeping up.

In small classes, students can be taught to their level. With more class time devoted to each student, and more time to learn about each student’s needs, a teacher can tailor their teaching style.

The Teacher to Student Ratio Matters

Having a reasonable teacher to student ratio benefits both students and teachers, meaning that it creates an environment where students are able to learn to their full potential. 

Grade school is where your child spends a lot of their developmental time. It’s your job to make sure that that time is well-spent. 

If you want a progressive and supportive learning environment for your child, consider Pear Tree Elementary. We offer small class sizes and unique teaching styles so every child has the opportunity to thrive.

To learn more or schedule a visit, contact us! We’d love to hear from you.