by Alexis Birner

Great Learning Apps

by Alexis Birner

Looking for some great apps for your child? Here’s what Pear Tree recommends

Language Apps

How Rocket Learned to Read

They can have the story read to them, or read it themselves by tapping on hard words to hear them aloud.

I Write Words

Your child can practice tracing lower and upper case letters.

Starfall Reading

This app has stories that your child can read to themselves, or the stories can be read to them with tracking. It also has short informational videos on things like “the silent ‘e’ rule”, or “long a”. There are also literacy games, such as matching rhyming words.

Book Creator for iPad

This book lets your child create an entire ebook (and even publish it to iBookstore if you want). It would be a great activity for your child to do in the summer if they did some summer journaling and wanted to “publish” a book!

Recommended Picture Book Apps

These are interactive apps that your child can read independently, or have read to them with tracking. All these apps are produced by Nosy Crow.

Little Red Riding Hood (Nosy Crow)

Cinderella (Nosy Crow)

The Three Little Pigs (Nosy Crow)

Jack and the Beanstalk (Nosy Crow)

Math Apps

Math Bingo

This app allows students to practice basic facts, such as 2+1. Basic facts are very important to master for a strong foundation in numeracy, just as being able to read sight words is important in literacy.


This scales from simple addition to algebra. As a parent, you will need to set it up so that it is age and developmentally appropriate.

Beluga Maths

This also allows the parent to set the range and difficulty of the task. You can determine how easy or difficult you want the math to see, and can also select a particular mathematical concept such as “fractions” or “estimating” that your child may need extra practice with. The activities are engaging for students.

Math Tappers: Find Sums

This simple app allows students to find 10 partners (such as 6+4, or 2+8) with a visual aid.

Math Tappers: Number Line

Similar to Math Tappers, this also has a visual aid for students to be able to estimate numbers on a number line in proximity to referents (such as “where is 50, if this number line shows 0 to 100?).